Thursday, December 17, 2009

Guacamole, Aircraft Carriers, Etc.

The shop's Christmas party was tonight.  May I start out by saying how much I love guacamole?  In fact, may I finish by saying that too?  Oh, how I do love the avocado!  Genius invention, the avocado.   I have a friend who makes such good guacamole that I have actually dreamt of it.  Delicious.  I tried to recreate her guac once & ended up so very happily consuming 8 avocados in less than 24 hours- not to worry, its the "good fat."

So anyway, the party- we were instructed to bring "some weird thing from our house" wrapped up for a White Elephant Gift Steal.  As soon as I got there I feared I would be the one to have the weirdest things in my house from which to choose.  Some of these gifts the others brought were not at all weird- some were.  Surprisingly, there was a clamoring for a bright blue Snuggie.  And the thing that seemed the least popular- a Lexmark Printer/Scanner/Copier/Faxer even with extra ink thrown in is now sitting just to my right.  No one else wanted it!  I was told by the person who'd been saddled with it to just take it, she said I didn't even have to trade anything- "just please take it."  I insisted on trading- so I exchanged, not the first gift I'd opened (a blue ceramic penguin cookie jar- someone "stole" that one,) but the second gift I'd opened, a travel size bottle of bath gel & the like.   The Lexmark looks a bit like an aircraft carrier to me, but I taunted that once I started making photocopies of my bum with it- they'd all be sorry they hadn't chosen it themselves. 

I love guacamole.




  1. You scored!

    Please don't photograph your butt. Butt sitting looks nothing like butt standing. It might freak you out. Just a warning.

  2. I get the feeling that this is really good advice. Thanks. Especially if one accidentally hit fax instead of copy.
